Stuart Rogers Studios
Get the fundamentals of acting NOW.
Orientation Class’s goal is to get you out of the class and into the working world as fast as possible. We quickly and effectively prepare our actors for the challenges that they will face on the set, in the casting office, or rehearsal hall. We hold our actors to the highest standards, which is why our percentage of working actors is among the highest of any acting studio in Los Angeles or New York. (this is an ongoing class)
Technique: We teach a cutting edge, “imagination based” system of acting. The tenants of our methodology can be found in the teachings of many of the great acting teachers, such as Stanislavsky, Adler, and Meisner to name a few. We recognize that each actor’s talent is unique, and rather than attempt to fit the student to the technique, we tailor the technique specifically to each student.
Audition: Booking jobs takes more than making “hot choices”. Understanding character and story allows you to be certain, not just in what the scene is about, but what the FUNCTION OF THE CHARACTER IN THE STORY IS. Then you must have the acting technique to have an authentic acting experience, even in the casting office.
The business of show business: How do you get an agent? How do you get into casting offices? How do you find out what is being cast now, and who is doing it? In these acting classes, we will address these critical questions and others. This acting class is referred to as the Administration Segment, which teaches administrative skills from the perspective of an actor. Understanding all aspects of show business, or any business, is essential and vitally important to your success as an actor.
When enrolled in this acting class, students can expect to work on scenes and “shoots” from plays and films, participate in mock auditions, as well as do various acting exercises chosen specifically for each individual to exploit each student’s unique acting abilities.
Click here to schedule an interview at our acting school.
Also At Stuart Rogers Studios we don’t call our orientation level acting classes beginners acting classes because our placement of actors has more to do with the problems they are going to encounter in the world, both artistically and professionally. In most beginners acting classes the acting teachers teach a predetermined curriculum, where everyone is taught the same thing regardless of what they know, or what their natural talent is. The whole notion of being a beginner or teaching an acting class for beginners, to a degree, pigeonholes the student. At our studio our teachers never assume they know what the actor’s talent is or what they should work on as an actor until we understand their strengths and weaknesses as observed in the actor’s initial interview and through perceiving them in acting classes. What may be basic and clear to one actor may not be basic at all to another, and sometimes even for the most advanced actor what they need to work on are the basics. Nothing can be taken for granted.
Whether you are coming to our acting school with an under-grad degree and MFA or have never acted before in your life, there will be elements in your acting that are naturally very strong and other components to your work that are inherently weaker. What you want is an acting teacher that will keep what is naturally beneficial and help you develop your weaknesses into strengths. If an acting school’s curriculum is created by academics who don’t know what it takes for you to work in the professional world, than the work you do in that acting studio may be fun or interesting but ultimately useless.
When a student registers for admission to our acting classes we place each actor in either an orientation class, scene study or the Monday night acting class. Each of the orientation classes is slightly different. As we said before we don’t believe in basic beginner acting classes. This is why we have several orientation acting classes some will have more students who have never acted before, while other orientation classes will have many actors who have studied acting in universities and at other acting studios. The key for us is to place you with actors who are working on solving the same problems you are. This way the acting instructor can tailor the curriculum to fit the needs of the students. This also creates fervor in the class when you see the other actors around you begin to achieve success both in acting class and in the professional world. This is why ALL actors who wish to register and go through an admission process at Stuart Rogers studios must have an interview. This way you can get a basic understanding of what acting class you will be registered for and we can get a basic understanding of your needs and be sure we can answer them for each actor. We understand most acting classes in Los Angeles will sign up students without an interview and we ask more of you. Because our acting classes will ask more of you, if you are accepted into our acting school, we will give more to you.
Click here to schedule an interview at our acting school.
Scene Study
Where professionals come to grow and stay focussed.
This is not a beginning acting classScene Study class is a professional class. This is not a class for actors who are making up their minds as to whether or not they really want to be an actor.We hold our actors to the highest standards, which is why our percentage of working actors is among the highest of any acting studio in Los Angeles or New York.Be prepared in our scene study class to do in-depth work, complete with a comprehensive understanding of the text as a whole, research done, and attention to the specific details of character.
The actors who we accept into our scene study class are:
- Serious about their desire to become the best possible actor they can be.
- Actors who are looking to improve the state of their career and art.
- Actors who recognize the value and responsibility that it is to be an artist.
If what you are looking for is a nonchalant approach to acting class where you learn your lines and throw it up for the class, Stuart Rogers’ Studios won’t be the class for you.
People are generally accepted into this class through referral and an interview with Stuart Rogers.
Click here to schedule an interview.
The Monday Class
Solutions for working actors.
If what you are looking for is a nonchalant approach to acting class where you learn your lines and throw it up for the class, The Monday Class is not the class for you.
The Monday Class is a very difficult class to get into. It is reserved for the working actor. In other words, to be admitted into this class the prospective student must have an extensive professional résumé.
In addition to deepening the actors work in whatever way necessary, we deal with the specific problems that arise from time working on the set. Many acting studios in Los Angeles claim to have a “master class” and while I am not partial to the term that is exactly what the Monday Class is. Some of the finest actors you will see anywhere attend this class.
People are generally accepted into this class through referral and an interview with Stuart Rogers.
Contact us to schedule an interview.
The Audition Class
your auditions
In the last four sessions (24 weeks) actors in the audition class booked over 35 SAG/AFTRA jobs. This is an effective acting class.
- If your work does not consistently flat-out rock when you’re auditioning, you have no one to blame for being unemployed but yourself.The audition class is an in-depth acting class focused on auditioning. We target the kind of auditions you are going out for (or should be going out for) be it co-star, guest star, series regulars or leads in films, and the instructor ensures that you find a confident approach that will lead you to story accurate, in-depth, fully committed auditions. In the course of each audition class, actors will work twice.Some of the issues addressed in this acting class are:
- Each audition class also features a question and answer session to address specific individual needs.
- Click here to schedule an interview at our professional LA Acting School in Hollywood, California.
- Cold Readings – Sides are given to each actor in the audition class and they have between five and fifteen minutes to prepare for the audition.
- Warm Readings – sides are e-mailed the actors several days in advance and they bring in their prepared auditions.
- Text Analysis – Method that teaches how to efficiently break down a scene to create certainty while auditioning.
- Agent Interviewing – How to get them and how to handle them.
- Relevant Business Administration Skills
- Transitioning your auditioning skills into a real world audition. Many actors perform fabulously when going over sides on their own, in acting class or with a coach only to have a less than par audition in a real world situation.
In the last four sessions (24 weeks) actors in the audition class booked over 35 SAG/AFTRA jobs. This is an effective acting class. Directing- Appropriate for working directors
Director Classes from Beginner to Advanced Levels.
The directing classes at Stuart Rogers Studios are all taught by award winning directors. Like our acting classes our directing classes are tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of each director.Often times directors who have graduated from a film school do not have extensive experience working with actors. They may be adept at handling the DP and the crew, but directing actors i.e. speaking the actor’s language, presents more of a challenge. Our director classes focus on one of the most important fundamentals to directing, which is to understand and communicate, “story” to the actors. The directing classes at Stuart Rogers’ Studios give each director the opportunity to hone their story skills and direct actors every week. Effectively communicating your vision to your crew AND ACTORS is essential to being a great director, and without those communication skills it is impossible to direct well.Directors come to directing from various backgrounds. Some come from a writing background, others come from acting, or producing while some have only ever wanted to direct. Wherever you stand, consistently directing actors and consistently communicating your vision will make you far more effective directing on a hot set. A directing class is one of the few environments where you can fail, get an invaluable lesson and not have it hurt your career. Quality directing classes that cater to the needs of professional directors is a difficult thing to find. Finding a directing class that is taught by directors who understand the needs of actors and can speak to actors from any school or acting theory is harder.For beginning directors we make sure you have a working understanding of the Five Fundamentals of Directing. For the more advanced director, our director classes focus on identifying problem areas for improvement and refining your directing skills.
Each director is evaluated in an interview with our Studio’s head instructor and placed into a director class based on their education and professional resume.
Teacher Training
Where new and working teachers refine their skills.
Teacher Training is for those teachers, actors, and directors who are looking to either deepen their effectiveness as teachers, or build the tools necessary to translate their art into teaching. We work with instructors of all methodologies; if however, you wish to become a certified acting coach or teacher, do understand, we are an imagination-based studio.We organize acting teacher training several times a year at Los Angeles center, where each class is held with a different emphasis.Click here to schedule an interview, if you wish to instruct or make acting your profession.