Director Class

Director Classes from Beginner to Advanced Levels.

The directing classes at Stuart Rogers Studios are all taught by award winning directors. Like our acting classes our directing classes are tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of each director.

Often times directors who have graduated from a film school do not have extensive experience working with actors. They may be adept at handling the DP and the crew, but directing actors i.e. speaking the actor's language, presents more of a challenge. Our director classes focus on one of the most important fundamentals to directing, which is to understand and communicate, "story" to the actors. The directing classes at Stuart Rogers' Studios give each director the opportunity to hone their story skills and direct actors every week. Effectively communicating your vision to your crew AND ACTORS is essential to being a great director, and without those communication skills it is impossible to direct well.

Directors come to directing from various backgrounds. Some come from a writing background, others come from acting, or producing while some have only ever wanted to direct. Wherever you stand, consistently directing actors and consistently communicating your vision will make you far more effective directing on a hot set. A directing class is one of the few environments where you can fail, get an invaluable lesson and not have it hurt your career. Quality directing classes that cater to the needs of professional directors is a difficult thing to find. Finding a directing class that is taught by directors who understand the needs of actors and can speak to actors from any school or acting theory is harder.

For beginning directors we make sure you have a working understanding of the Five Fundamentals of Directing. For the more advanced director, our director classes focus on identifying problem areas for improvement and refining your directing skills.

Each director is evaluated in an interview with our Studio's head instructor and placed into a director class based on their education and professional resume.

Click here to schedule an interview at our Los Angeles Acting School